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  • Angela Harrison 6:46 pm on January 7, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    where your surname appears most – mapped

    • Laurie Joyce 3:36 am on October 18, 2023 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Angela
      I would love to get in touch with you about the Joyce DNA Project


  • Angela Harrison 4:40 pm on January 7, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: derry, desertmartin, mccrystal   

    BEST genealogy site I’ve found regarding Co Derry and desertmartin. (for my McCrystal – maternal – line)

  • Angela Harrison 9:07 am on January 7, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    If you use as your first experience of genealogy research (as I did), at first it can be amazing and easy to build a tree! After awhile the flurry of easy record and family tree matches slows down, you learn a bit, realise you’ve made mistakes, hit brick walls. Its then you’ll want to learn how to really use the power of and learn the skills of genealogy. And, fix your tree. There are loads of educational videos on the topic. this one is great. by the barefoot genealogist.

  • Angela Harrison 6:50 pm on January 5, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    found that at least 2 of my infant relatives (aged 2 and 3) from the same family, died of dysentery in 1865, in Madras. A google search found a newspaper article that breaks down what people died from in Madras in 1865. Whilst it was considered a reasonably ‘healthy’ year, dysentery deaths were very high that year.

    • Angela Harrison 6:55 pm on January 5, 2015 Permalink | Reply


      (From The Times.)

      Dr. Smith, the secretary of the Sanitary Com- mission, iu his report on the causes of death in the town of Madras, states that the yenr 1865, as compared with former periods, wits healthy. The registration of deaths in Madras is nat compul- sory, so that the mortality returns are still some- what imperfect. The number of deaths registered during ttieyear amounted to 11,210, being 807 in excess of the number in the previous year, which was, however, extraordinarily’ healthy. The death rate in 1865 was 26 per 1.000 of population ; the average annual rate in the five years 1860-4 was 30 per 1,000. More than oi.e third of the deaths of children under l.year of age were caused by convulsions ; the proportional number of children dying from this cause to the entire population was as 1 to 8, while in London tile proportion WSB as 1 to 30. This excessive mortality is chiefly attributed to tile effect« of foul air, overcrowding, and filth, which, it would appear, destroy infant life through the operation of their poisonous influence upon the bruin and nerves. Miasmatic diseases,-the chief causes of mortality among the adult population-are much influenced by the variations in the climate. The principal diseases under this head arc cholera, small-pox, fevers, diarrhoea, and dysentery. The deaths registered from this elim, to 1,000 parsons living in 18G5 were 11, while in London the proportional number was only 4, showing how much yet remains to he done in the way of removing prevcntible sources of disease. Dr Smith states, however, that it must be borne in mind that miasmatic diseases in Madras take the pi .ce of tubercular

      diseases in London. The deaths in Madras from

      small-pox were 399 below the overuse-an im- provement which is partly attributed to the exten- sion of vuccination. The Hindoos were the great- est sufferersfromtliisdisca5C,as they are prejudiced ngaiiut vaccination through religious scruples. 39 of the 44 deaths hy smallpox in 18(15 occurred among this ¡lass of the community. The number of deaths fro n cholera was 944, and although

      this disease was never absent from the town

      throughout the year, except for a period of about three weeks in June, yet there were none of those severe outbreaks which characterized the epidemics of previous years. In 1862 and 1863 respectively the deaths from cholera were 3,635 and 1,684. It is noticed that the large number of deaths from dysentery in 1865-viz., 1,159 is an indication of the had sanitary state of the town, and is chiefly owing to bad drainage, impure water, and a polluted atmosphere. With the view of showing the effects of climate on the European, as compared with the native population, the mortality, per 1,000 of population, from each class of diseases is recorded as follows :

      Zymotic diseases-European and Eist Induna, 1203; M.ihomincúaiis, 10-22; Hindoos, 1370. Constitutional diseases-Huropcans and East In- dians, 2 62; Maliominedans, 3’86 ; Hindoos, 2’41. Local diseases-Europeans and East Indians, 818 ; Mahoniiiiedaiis, 6’84 ; Hindoos, G 65; De- velopmental diseases -Europeans mid East In- dians, 4-21 ; Muhommcdans, 4’38 ; Hindoos, 3’13 Violent and sudden deaths-Europeans and East Indian», ’85 ; Mahommedans, ’24 ; Hindoos, -35. Total from all discuses-Europeans and East In- dians, 27*8; Mtthoiumedans, 25-fl ; and Hindoos, 26 2. From these results it appears that the mortality from zymotic diseases was greatest among the Hindoos. All three clases have suf- fered equally from cholera, and both among Hindoos and Mahommedans dropsy and phthisis were fatal diseases,’ aUo epilepsy, paralysis, and



  • Angela Harrison 5:27 am on January 1, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    I got my welcome pack from FIBIS (Families In British India Society). Loving being part of a new community of people with a shared interest. So helpful and friendly.

  • Angela Harrison 7:42 am on December 30, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ancestry, family tree maker, genealogy,   

    Theres a great video blogger who works with , shes a pro genealogist called crista. she did a video a couple of years ago about ‘how to research like a pro’.

    In a nutshell, set out your research plan thus:
    1) What Do You Want To Know?

    2) What do you already know?
    3) How do you know it?
    (bounce back and forth between 2 and 3 until you’ve answered these questions thoroughly)

    4) Where could you possibly find what you want to know?
    5) Do these records exist? If so, where?

    She also suggests using the NOTES section on your person of interests family tree maker file, to write down a timeline of information you’ve found – in chronoligcal order of the event (not in the order in which you found the info) so you can see what you know, how you know it, and identify periods of missing info too. (its explained around the 8 minute mark in the video)

  • Angela Harrison 1:54 pm on December 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , culture, geography, history, madras, maps   

    The Madras Presidency, where it appears my great great grandfather, wives and children, lived much of their time in India, covered a number of current Indian States. Madras city is now known as Chennai, and some of my family indeed lived there. But other places appear on various baptism certificates of my family. Masulipatnam – which appears to me to be north of Madras city, on the coast. Secunderabad – which my terrible geography currently suggests is north west of Madras/Chennai and I am yet to understand how it came under Madras Presidency. Madura – seems south of Madras/Chennai. As a starting point for researching the geography of the area, I am listing some Wikipedia topics and google maps of interest. I am also listing some cultural background links in an attempt to look at what ethnic and religious background may apply to my native relatives:
    (search google – map of madras presidency)
    book – sketches in india – hyderabad and secunderabad 1862
    coins of British India
    Tamil Nadu

  • Angela Harrison 11:41 am on December 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , indo briton,   

    Interesting read with good bibliography on the history of people who are termed anglo-indian

  • Angela Harrison 6:57 am on December 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Also I got an email from a relative in Perth who would like to catch up! I am not yet sure how she fits in but am excited to meet with her in February!

  • Angela Harrison 6:54 am on December 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , cousins, , family tree   

    Last week I found another cousin – 3rd cousin Beatrice who is also Abraham HARRISONs great great grand daughter. She is actually a 3rd Half Cousin because we do not share the same great great grandmother. Her gg gmother is Matilda (nee Sairs) Harrison, (1825-1852) where as my gg gmother is Abrahams next wife, Harriet Ann (nee Hodgson) Harrison (1840-1866). Her great grandfather is Richard James Harrison, 2nd son of Abraham and Matilda, and my great grandfather is Edward Harrison, 12th son of Abraham, and 7th of the marriage of Abraham and Harriet. I looked up a few records for Beatrice to help her with her own research and found so many new interesting things, just little things like family names being continued on throughout generations etc. Of note is something about Beatrices great grandmother Rachel, who was Richard James Harrisons wife. Rachels father, was a store sergeant in madras, as was our shared gg grandfather Abraham. They were probably friends and colleagues when their children were young, then Rachel and Richard married!

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